Foundation Year for “science” in Australia

Monash College (Monash University)
Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) leads to:
- Arts (Cognitive Science)
- Arts (Environmental Science)
- Arts (Geography And Environmental Science)
- Science/Education (Secondary) (4.25 Years)
- Computer Science
- Biomedical Science
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Environmental Science
- Science

Taylors College Sydney (University of Sydney)
University of Sydney Foundation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise And Sport Science)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (MRS) Diagnostic Radiography
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Arts (History And Philosophy of Science)
- Bachelor of Arts (Plant Sciences)
- Bachelor of Commerce And Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science And Technology
- Bachelor of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Political, Economic And Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Project Management (Civil Engineering Science)
- Bachelor of Project Management (Software Engineering Science)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science In Agriculture
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science

Taylors College Perth (University of Western Australia)
UWA Foundation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Political Science And International Relations)
- Bachelor of Science (Aboriginal Health And Wellbeing)
- Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Anatomy And Human Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Applied Computing)
- Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry And Molecular Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Botany)
- Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Conservation Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Engineering Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Exercise And Health)
- Bachelor of Science (Genetics)
- Bachelor of Science (Geography)
- Bachelor of Science (Geology)
- Bachelor of Science (Marine Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics And Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science (Microbiology And Immunology)
- Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Science (Neuropsychology And Cognitive Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Neuroscience)
- Bachelor of Science (Pathology And Laboratory Medicine)
- Bachelor of Science (Pharmacology)
- Bachelor of Science (Physics)
- Bachelor of Science (Physiology)
- Bachelor of Science (Population Health)
- Bachelor of Science (Quantitative Methods)
- Bachelor of Science (Science Communication)
- Bachelor of Science (Sport Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Zoology)

University of Newcastle
Foundation Studies in Health Science leads to:
- B. Biomedical Science *
- B. Food Science And Human Nutrition *
- B. Medical Radiation Science *

Bradford College (University of Adelaide)
Foundation Studies program leads to:
- B Health Science
- B Science (Mineral Geoscience)
- B Agricultural Science
- B Food & Nutrition Science
- B Science (Animal Science)
- B Science (Pre-Veterinary)*
- B Science (Evolutionary Biology)
- B Science (Molecular Biology)
- B Science (Nanoscience & Materials)
- B Science (Biomedical Science)
- B Science (Biotechnology)
- B Science (EcoChemistry)
- B Science (Marine Biology)
- B Science (Molecular & Drug Design)
- B Science (Natural Resources)
- B Science (Petroleum Geoscience)
- B Science (Optics And Photonics)
- B Science (Space Science & Astrophysics)
- B Science (High Performance Computational Physics)
- B Computer Science
- B Maths & Computer Science
- B Mathematical Sciences
- B Psychological Science
- B Social Science

UOW College (University of Wollongong)
Foundation Studies program leads to:
- B Health Science In Indigenous Health Studies
- B Science (Psychology)
- B Science Education
- B Science (Exercise, Nutrition)
- B Science (Materials, Physics, Nuclear Science And Technology)
- B Environmental Science
- B Science (Environment, Land And Heritage Management, Medical Biotechnology, Medical Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Biological Science, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Geosciences)
- B Marine Science
- B Computer Science (Multimedia & Game Development, Digital Systems Security, Software Engineering, Enterprise Systems)

MIBT (Deakin University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of IT (Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Exercise And Sport Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Exercise Science)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Family, Society And Health)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Food Studies)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Promotion)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Nutrition)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (People, Society And Disability)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Physical Activity And Health)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Health Sciences (Sport Coaching)
- Bachelor of Science (Biological Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science (Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Modelling)
- Bachelor of Science (Zoology)
- Bachelor of Biological Science
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management And Sustainability)
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife And Conservation Biology)
- Bachelor of Forensic Science
- Bachelor of Zoology And Animal Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Science (Marine Biology)

Macquarie City Campus (Macquarie University)
Macquarie University Foundation Program (MQFP) leads to:
- Bachelor of Science – Psychology
- Bachelor of Speech & Hearing Sciences
- Bachelor of Advanced Science
- Bachelor of Chiropractic Science
- Bachelor of Marine Science
- Bachelor of Medical Sciences
- Bachelor of Commerce (Decision Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Applied Econometrics)
- Bachelor of Science (Astronomy And Astrophysics)
- Bachelor of Science (Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Biomolecular Sciences)
- Bachelor of Science (Brain, Behaviour And Evolution)
- Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Science (Climate Science)
- Bachelof of Science (Decision Science
- Bachelor of Science (Development Studies And Culture Change)
- Bachelor of Science (Electronics)
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Earth Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Geology)
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)
- Bachelor of Science (Geography)
- Bachelor of Science (Geology)
- Bachelor of Science (Geophysics)
- Bachelor of Science (Human Geography)
- Bachelof of Science (Information Systems)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science (Palaeobiology)
- Bachelor of Science (Photonics)
- Bachelor of Science (Physics)
- Bachelof of Science (Software Technology)
- Bachelor of Science (Spatial Information Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Statistics)

University of Tasmania
Foundation Studies program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Aboriginal Studies, History, Ancient Civilisations, Indonesian, Ancient Greek, International Relations, Art Theory, Japanese, Asian Religions And Comparative Philosophy, Journalism, Media & Communications, Asian Studies, Latin, Behavioural Studies, Music History, Chinese, Music Skills, Criminology (BA), Music Technology, English, Philosophy, European Studies, Political Science, French, Psychology, Gender Studies, Public Policy, Geography & Environmental Studies, Sociology, German)
- Bachelor of Social Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Engineering)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Operations)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Health Science
- Bachelor of Health Science (Environmental Health)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science
- Bachelor of Antarctic Science
- Bachelor of Agriculture Science
- Bachelor of Behavioural Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Marine Science
- Bachelor of Science (Major: Applied Mathematics, Microbiology, Aquatic Biology, Physics, Biochemistry, Plant Science, Chemistry, Psychology, Computing (BSc & BBehavSc), Pure Mathematics, General Mathematics, Statistics And Operations Research, Geography & Environmental Studies, Zoology, Geology)
- Bachelor of Surveying And Spatial Sciences

QIBT (Griffith University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Biomolecular Science
- Bachelor of Science (Majors: Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, Biological Science, Chemistry, Clinical Science, Forest And Horticultural Science, Microbiology)
- Bachelor of Health Science
- Bachelor of Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Exercise Science (Pre-Physiotherapy)
- Bachelor Or Medical Laboratory Science
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science

La Trobe Melbourne (La Trobe University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Humanities And Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science
- Bachelor of Animal And Veterinary Biosciences
- Bachelor of Biological Sciences
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Clinical Prosthetics And Orthotics
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Health Information Management
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Occupational Therapy Practice
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Orthoptics
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Paramedic Practice
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Physiotherapy Practice
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Podiatric Practice
- Bachelor of Health Sciences And Master of Speech Pathology
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Bachelor of Psychological Science And Master of Occupational Therapy Practice
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) And Master of Nanotechnology
- Bachelor of Science In Environmental Management And Ecology
- Bachelor of Science (Wildlife And Conservation Biology)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science In Games Technology

SAIBT (University of South Australia)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement And Health Studies)
- Bachelor of Health Science

Murdoch Institute of Technology (Murdoch University)
Murdoch University Preparation Course leads to:
- Animal Science (BAnimSc)
- Biological Sciences (BSc)
- Biomedical Science (BSc)
- Chiropractic Science (BSc, BChiro)*
- Computer Science (BSc)
- Education (BEd) [Secondary Teaching] And Sports Science (BSportsSc)
- Engineering/Science (BE/ BSc)
- Environmental Science (BSc, BEnvSc)
- Forensic Biology And Toxicology (BForensics) + Molecular Biology (BSc) + Biomedical Science (BSc)
- Marine Science (BSc)
- Mineral Science (BSc)
- Sports Science (BSportsSc)
- Sustainability Science (BSc)
- Veterinary Science (BSc, BVMS)*

PIBT (Edith Cowan University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security)
- Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Exercise And Sports Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Human Biology)
- Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
- Bachelor of Science (Paramedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Curtin College (Curtin University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management & Economics)
- Bachelor of Science (Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Food Science And Technology)
- Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion)
- Bachelor of Science (Human Biology Preclinical)
- Bachelor of Science (Laboratory Medicine)
- Bachelor of Science (Molecular Genetics And Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science (Nutrition)
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