Foundation Year for “bachelor of arts” in Australia

Taylors College Sydney (University of Sydney)
University of Sydney Foundation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (American Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Ancient History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Arab World, Islam And The Middle East)
- Bachelor of Arts (Arabic Language And Literature)
- Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Art History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Biochemistry)
- Bachelor of Arts (Bioinformatics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Biology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Celtic Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Arts (Chinese Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Arts (Cultural Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Digital Cultures)
- Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Education)
- Bachelor of Arts (English)
- Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (European Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Film Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (French Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Gender Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
- Bachelor of Arts (Geology And Geophysics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Germanic Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Government And International Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Bachelor of Arts (History And Philosophy of Science)
- Bachelor of Arts (Indigenous Australian Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Indonesian Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Relations And Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Arts (Information Systems)
- Bachelor of Arts (International And Comparative Literary Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Italian Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Japanese Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Jewish Civilisation, Thought And Culture)
- Bachelor of Arts (Korean Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Latin)
- Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Management)
- Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Medieval Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Microbiology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Modern Greek Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Music)
- Bachelor of Arts (Performance Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
- Bachelor of Arts (Physics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Plant Sciences)
- Bachelor of Arts (Political Economy)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Social Policy)
- Bachelor of Arts (Socio-Legal Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Spanish And Latin American Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Statistics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Studies In Religion)
- Bachelor of Arts (Languages)
- Bachelor of Arts (Media And Communications)
- Bachelor of Arts (Media And Communications) And Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Commerce And Bachelor of Arts

Taylors College Perth (University of Western Australia)
UWA Foundation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology And Sociology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Chinese)
- Bachelor of Arts (Classics And Ancient History)
- Bachelor of Arts (Communication And Media Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (English And Cultural Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (French Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (German Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Bachelor of Arts (History of Art)
- Bachelor of Arts (Human Geography And Planning)
- Bachelor of Arts (Indigenous Knowledge, History And Heritage)
- Bachelor of Arts (Indonesian)
- Bachelor of Arts (Italian Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Japanese)
- Bachelor of Arts (Law And Society)
- Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics)
- Bachelor of Arts (Medieval And Early Modern Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Music Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
- Bachelor of Arts (Political Science And International Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts (Social And Applied Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Specialist Music Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Work And Employment Relations)

MIBT (Deakin University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Film Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Drama)
- Bachelor of Arts (Dance)
- Bachelor of Arts (Media And Communication)
- Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
- Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations)
- Bachelor of Arts (Animation)
- Bachelor of Arts (Professional And Creative Writing)

University of Tasmania
Foundation Studies program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Aboriginal Studies, History, Ancient Civilisations, Indonesian, Ancient Greek, International Relations, Art Theory, Japanese, Asian Religions And Comparative Philosophy, Journalism, Media & Communications, Asian Studies, Latin, Behavioural Studies, Music History, Chinese, Music Skills, Criminology (BA), Music Technology, English, Philosophy, European Studies, Political Science, French, Psychology, Gender Studies, Public Policy, Geography & Environmental Studies, Sociology, German)

La Trobe Melbourne (La Trobe University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Humanities And Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Arts (Outdoor Education)
- Bachelor of Arts (Outdoor Environmental Education)
- Bachelor of Arts (Outdoor Recreation Education)
- Bachelor of Arts (Natural Resources Education)
- Bachelor of Arts (Nature Tourism)

SAIBT (University of South Australia)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Writing And Creative Communication)
- Bachelor of Arts (Communication And Media Management)
- Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Writing And Creative Communication)

PIBT (Edith Cowan University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts

Curtin College (Curtin University)
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Program leads to:
- Bachelor of Arts (Interior Architecture)
- Bachelor of Arts (Urban & Regional Planning)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Art And Design Studies, Creative Advertising And Graphic Design, 3D Design Which Includes, Product Design, Jewellery Design, Furniture Design, Digital Design, Fashion Design, Fine Art, Photography And Illustration Design)
- Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication) (Major: Corporate Screen Production, Web Media, Journalism)
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Anthropology And Sociology, History, Sustainable Development, International Relations)
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